
Bed bug room prep

Preparing a Room for Bed bug Treatment.
99316250 – washing machine flat design icon

Bed bug laundry prep

laundry and Cleaning Checklist for Bed bug Treatment.
EnviroPest Offers Guidance on Treatment Preparation.

Flea check list

Laundry and Cleaning Checklist for Bedbug Treatment.
74950790 – checklist icon, outline style

Cockroach prep sheet

After Enviro Pest has treated the area.

EnviroPest wants the treatment of your home or office to be a complete success. Below are some steps you can follow to ensure this is possible. These guidelines are a good example of prep but any questions or concerns can be directed to one of pest professionals. Please don't hesitate to call.

Room Preparation Checklist for Bed Bugs

Preparation of a room for treatment is essential to the successful management of bed bugs. Most pest managers prefer to conduct an inspection BEFORE any cleaning or rearranging has occurred. This gives the pest manager a sense of the full extent of the problem and prevents the disturbance and spread of bed bugs before treatment. However, once bed bugs are located and the size of the problem has been estimated, room preparation must be done, and usually by the resident.

  • Remove all blankets, sheets, covers, pillows, bath towels, drapes and curtains from the bed and throughout the room. Place the items into bags, which will be taken to the laundry.
  • Empty drawers and closets and place belongings into plastic bags. Place all clothing and coats into bags for transport to the laundry. Shoes, pillows, and children's plush toys should be bagged for the laundry.
  • Make sure the pest control professional can get to all furniture, closets, beds, and baseboards to inspect and treat. Dust covers may be removed from furniture to treat . Click here to print checklist.
  • Laundry Preparation Checklist for Bed Bugs

    Pesticides, alone, will not eliminate a bed bug infestation. Inspecting and cleaning the living are and all personal belongings are critical for bed bug control and elimination. Cleaning should occur before pesticides are used. Fellow all the recommended steps as they apple to the individual situation.

  • Seal all clothing and linens in large clear plastic bags. Clear bags are good because bed bugs can be seen inside them. If clean then they can be run through a hot dryer for 30 minutes. If dirty then launder as usual. Do not over stuff the dryer, heat must reach all items. Return all items to clear plastic bags.
  • All pillows, shoes, coats, and children's plush toys should be treated by placing them into a HOT dryer for 30 minutes. Do not over stuff the dryer, heat must reach all items. Once complete return items to clear plastic bags. If items can not be placed in the dryer (purses, luggage, back packs... ) please encase them in plastic bags.
  • Personal belongings should be inspected carefully, cleaned, and sealed in plastic bags or in bins. Do not use cardboard boxes, bed bugs can hide in folds and will deposit eggs there. Reduce clutter as much as possible. Click here to print checklist
  • Flea checklist

  • Take your pet to the veterinarian to be treated before or during our visit. Your pet can't come back into the house until 4 hours after we leave.
  • Wash your pets' bedding in hot water and dry in the dryer, if possible.
  • Wash all sheets in hot water.
  • Remove all toys, pillows, clothes, etc. from the floor, especially under beds and on closet floors. We need access to as much carpet as possible.
  • THOROUGHLY vacuum all carpets and rugs, especially where the floor meets the wall.
  • THOROUGHLY vacuum all sofa and chair cushions (all sides).
  • IMMEDIATELY take the vacuum outside, remove the bag, and either burn it or seal it in a plastic bag in a garbage container away from the house.
  • Remove all pets from the home.
  • If you have a fish tank, unplug the motor (it won't be necessary to remove the fish).Click here to print checklist
  • Cockroach Treatment Preparation Sheet (baiting program)

  • In cockroach control, sanitation is essential. Items That Must Be Completed Prior To Our Arrival
  • Clean kitchen thoroughly, including floor, stove, range hood and counter tops. Clean inside and outside of dishwasher. Pull out refrigerator, stove, Etc. and clean behind and underneath. All cleaning should be done before, not after treatment.
  • Everything should be removed from kitchen cupboards, above and below the sink, drawers and counter tops should be cleaned. Wash cupboards inside and out, wipe out drawers with damp rag, clean sink and counter tops well. Items may be places on the kitchen table and should be covered with newspaper or a sheet,
  • Bathroom cabinets and under sink should be cleaned. Wash cabinets inside and out, wipe out drawers the damp rag, clean sink, tub, inside and out of toilet and scrub bathroom floor.
  • Pickup and remove trash inside and outside.
  • Pets should be removed from inside. Fish tanks should be covered or removed. If fish tanks are covered, the air pump should be shut off.
  • Children's toys and pet food dishes and exposed food should be placed in a protected area.Click here to print checklist
  • 24 / 7 emergency call:  /1-888-679-9946
